Welcome to Biotrack-Bukitlawang

Hello, welcome to biotrack-bukitlawang, the website of the Bukitlawang nature tourism tour agent, North Sumatra, Indonesia
We are located in the hills, close to GunungLeuser National Park one of the last two places of Sumatran orangutan welfare that resembles human ancestors
If you believe in Darwin's theory, this National Park stands on a hill that stretches from Aceh to Palembang, and Gunung Leuser National Park are not only Sumatran Orangutans. There are still many other natural resources in this place, a variety of flora and fauna, culture and history of human civilization. It would be a shame if you missed the beauty of this nature in your life, we are not only for traveling but we also want to share the knowledge of happiness from our noble heritage for you, We believe this requires us to share it for you, through this website we share some of our knowledge our little about our nature to you.
But it would be better if we share our knowledge with you directly in nature, so we look forward to welcoming you to join us.
for more information please see the Informations tab, we explain why you came to our place and how to come here.
Thank you very much for visiting our page.
save the junggle

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